Dedicated to excellence in education
Students must have a written order from a doctor or APN to take any medication in school. This includes over the counter medications like Benadryl, Tylenol, cough drops, eye drops, sunscreen etc.
All orders are valid for the school year unless a shorter duration is specified and all medication orders MUST be renewed each school year if the medication is to be given the next school year. There are no exceptions.
If you would like for your child to have medications in school, please use this form:
Please note:
All orders are valid for the school year unless a shorter duration is specified and all medication orders MUST be renewed each school year if the medication is to be given the next school year. There are no exceptions.
If you would like for your child to have medications in school, please use this form:
Please note:
- Medications once ordered, MUST be dropped of and pick up by parents. Students may not carry medications to school except those medically approved to carry inhalers, Epi pens and diabetic supplies.
- Medications must not be expired.
- Prescription medications must be in the original labeled container from the pharmacy
- Medications left in the office at the end of the school year will be disposed of.
Specific Medications/ Conditions:
If your child requires use of an inhaler in school, please use these forms, these orders need to be renewed at the beginning of each school year:
Children with allergies requiring the use of Epi-pens and/or Benadryl should have this form completed at the beginning of each school year:
If your child has a history of seizures and requires a seizure action plan, we ask that you get the following form completed by your child's physician annually:
This form is the Emergency care plan to communicate any health needs your child may have that may cause a significant event
If your child requires use of an inhaler in school, please use these forms, these orders need to be renewed at the beginning of each school year:
Children with allergies requiring the use of Epi-pens and/or Benadryl should have this form completed at the beginning of each school year:
If your child has a history of seizures and requires a seizure action plan, we ask that you get the following form completed by your child's physician annually:
This form is the Emergency care plan to communicate any health needs your child may have that may cause a significant event