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Expectations For Student Behavior

Expectations For Student Behavior
In order for effective learning to take place, students must accept the responsibility to develop and to demonstrate positive attitudes and behaviors. The set of behavioral expectations that appears below, approved and adopted by the Board of Education, should serve to guide students in their daily living:

Students will:

Prepare themselves mentally and physically for the process of learning

  • Students are nourished, rested, clean, properly dressed and groomed
  • Students are free of drugs and alcohol
  • Students come to school prepared to learn
Demonstrate respect for people and property
  • Students are honest, courteous and polite
  • Students respect the property of others
  • Students accept the rights of others to their own opinions
  • Students settle differences peacefully
  • Students display good sportsmanship
  • Students participate in the maintenance and cleanliness of school facilities and property
Take responsibility for their own behavior and learning
  • Students recognize that school is work, and academic development is the primary purpose
  • Students complete all homework, class work and examinations
  • Students make personal choices based on reasonable decision-making processes
  • Students accept constructive criticism and disagreement when necessary and appropriate
  • Students accept the consequences of their action
Use time and resources responsibly
  • Students attend school regularly and punctually
  • Students use study periods and library time for schoolwork
  • Students use books and other materials appropriately
Share responsibilities when working as members of a group
  • Students cooperate, contribute and share in the work of a group
  • Students accept and assume leadership when appropriate
  • Students listen to the points of view of others
Meet the unique requirements of each class
  • Students participate actively in class work
  • Students follow class rules and procedures
  • Students bring to class all textbooks, clothing and other materials necessary for participation
  • Students observe rules for safe handling of class equipment and materials
Monitor their own progress towards objectives
  • Students record and maintain records of progress
  • Students plan courses of study and schedules
  • Students seek assistance from school staff and peers
  • Students value the relationship of learning to everyday life
Communicate with parents and school personnel about school related matters
  • Students take time to discuss academic learning and school progress with parents and school personnel
  • Students transmit information to parents and return responses to appropriate school personnel when requested
  • Students know the appropriate people to involve when a problem occurs
  • Students outline with parents and teachers a clear and concise educational goal for the school year